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Year - 2019. Colin Firth, George MacKay. Drama, War. Krysty Wilson-Cairns. Countries - Spain. Directed by - Sam Mendes

★♠ ✺✺✺✺✺✺✺


★♠ ✭✭✭✭✭✭✭



Χίλια εννιακόσια δεκαοκτώνη. Χίλια εννιακόσια δεκαοκτώ. I started to get teary eyed at the running on the battlefield scene. Everything just molded together. Its edited to look like 1 take in the actual film so thats pretty cool.

Χίλια εννιακόσια δεκαοκτών. Upon watching this film a second time, I've come to conclude that these 7 minutes and 6 seconds represent one of the few near perfect sequences in film history. The realization that he's with the Devons at 0:10 as the ticking sound kicks in, the camera panning up out of the forest at 1:01 to reveal the single file of men leading up to the front lines, the chaos of captains shouting orders and rallying their troops, the wide shot of the front line at 2:58 with men crouching low ready to charge to their deaths, the captain exchanging an incredulous look with Schofield as he sees what he's about to do, followed by the incredible run at 4:30. The direction, score, cinematography, production design, acting, practical effects and CGI all came together beautifully.

One of the best movie scenes eveeeer, the music, the light, omg everything. ΧίλιΠΕννιÎκόσιΠΔεκÎεπici pour accéder. I really wanted Sam Mendes to win the best director award because he directed really well. This movie is amazing. The trailer alone should be nominated. I think this is a good war film. ΧίλιΠΕννιÎκόσιΠΔεκÎεπici pour visiter le site. I cried when I saw the come back to us picture. Χίλια εννιακόσια δεκαεπτάκια. Man the world is so strange. I moved to the US from the UK at the age of 29. I am 35 now but i dont know who I am anymore. I feel I have lost my identity. We used to fight for things that mattered, for right and wrong, now all we fight for is to silence liberal identity politic and petty shit we see on tv. We might have all the technology in the world, but we are more divided and more polarized than ever and it hurts. This generation doesn't believe in anything real, just propaganda.

Time is the Enemy. There's like a Thanos vibe at the end under the tree. Sitting and contemplating on what just happened to get to that point. I lost interest in the movie barely midway into it after downloading it. The CGI just didn't work well in the movie and didn't look very good. Χίλια εννιακόσια δεκαεπτάκ. Thomas Newman needs to win an Oscar for this. I actually liked him bumping into people while he was running it made it seem way more realistic.

Look at the view France is beautiful. AND england of course😂😂. My favourite song in the score (next to Gehenna) so so so powerful and emotive. Χίλια εννιακόσια δεκαεπτάσ. %ce%a7%ce%af%ce%bb%ce%b9%ce%b1 %ce%95%ce%bd%ce%bd%ce%b9%ce%b1%ce%ba%cf%8c%cf%83%ce%b9%ce%b1 %ce%94%c. Schofield had two messages to deliver: one that would save countless lives and one to Blake's brother about his death. After stopping the attack with the first message, it's barely even bittersweet, as it becomes very apparent that the cycle of death and war would continue. No one thanks him for that message, in fact he's straight up told to fuck off. He only gets any thanks when he delivers the second message about Blake's death. It's for that he's actually given any recognition for caring and sacrificing so much as a messenger. No thanks are given to him for caring about the lives of hundreds of men, only for caring about the death of one man. But for him, that's enough. He ends where he begins, and the war machine continues on.

ΧίλιΠΕννιÎκόσιΠΔεκÎεπici pour voir la video.

You said Ypres as Yip-Prees around 10:30 It's pronounced Eep

J. R. Tolkien fought in the trenches was always weird his books had such a dark hopeless feel as well as a hope full one. Now Ive seen this I can kinda understand. What is the name of this video game. Χίλια εννιακόσια δεκαεπτάκι. ΧίλιΠΕννιÎκόσιΠΔεκÎεπici pour visiter.


ΧίλιΠΕννιÎκόσιΠΔεκÎεπici pour voir. The build up with the officers giving instructions to the soldiers really brought out the realism in this sequence. In my hearth and in my mind this movie won the best 2019 movie.






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